



         In assuming the lofty office of the President of the People’s Republic of China, I have undertaken a glorious mission with weighty responsibilities. I will, as always, faithfully perform the duties entrusted  to me by the Constitution, be loyal to my country and the people, execute my responsibilities diligently, with dedication and to the best of my ability, serve the people, subject myself to their supervision, and be worthy of the great trust and expectations that you, fellow NPC deputies, and the people of all ethnic groups in China have placed in me.


         All of us holding public office, no matter how high our positions may be, must keep in mind that our republic is the People’s Republic of China and put the people first and foremost in our hearts.  


         Today, our people’s creativity is bursting forth as never before, enabling our country to achieve rapid development with each passing day  and stride forward at the forefront of the world.  


       Over several thousand years, we Chinese have, with an unremitting spirit of self-renewal, built up our beautiful and magnificent homeland. We have explored vast expanse of territorial seas, cultivated immense fertile farmland, harnessed hundreds of big rivers, and prevailed over countless natural disasters. We have built cities and villages across the land, developed a complete range of industries, and created fulfilling and enriching lives.


         Since the beginning of our nation, we Chinese have always known that happiness will not come by itself and good things can only be earned. We owe everything we have accomplished today to the talent, hard work and enormous endeavors of our people. 


         We Chinese have learned from what we have gone through that unity creates strength and brings progress, while division holds a country in backwardness.


         For us Chinese, with perseverance, no mountain is too high to scale and no destination too far to reach.


         Since modern times began, achieving national rejuvenation has been the most cherished dream of the Chinese nation. For more than 170 years, our people, with the courage to fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood, the determination to recover our lost territory by our efforts and the ability to stand on our own feet in the family of nations, have persevered in an unyielding spirit to realize this dream.    


         The fundamental criteria for assessing all the work we do should be whether we can win people’s backing, approval and endorsement, and make them satisfied.  


         Only when the people have faith will our country have strength and a bright future. In the new era of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the hard-working and courageous Chinese people are exuding greater confidence, dignity and pride. China, a major country in the East that is both ancient and modern, is full of vigor and vitality.


        To turn our blueprint into reality means embarking on a new long journey. The road ahead is long, but time waits for no one and we must not slacken our efforts. We cannot afford to rest on our laurels, be content with what we have achieved or lose sight of potential problems when the going is good.



         We will fully bring out the power of the Chinese civilization to appeal, rally and inspire.  


         To safeguard China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and realize its complete reunification — this is the common aspiration of all Chinese and represents the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. In the face of this issue which involves our supreme national interests and the surging tide of history, all separatist attempts and schemes are doomed to fail and will be condemned by the people and history. With strong will and great confidence, we the Chinese people are fully capable of foiling all separatist activities. Not a single inch of the territory of our great motherland will ever be allowed to be separated from China: this is the shared conviction of the entire Chinese nation. 


         Only those who are used to threatening others will see everyone else as a threat. We Chinese have a genuine desire to contribute to global peace and development with concrete actions. Such desire should not be misintepreted or distorted by anyone. The people of the world will make the right judgment.


         The defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The CPC is the highest force for political leadership and provides the fundamental guarantee for realizing national rejuvenation. North, south, east, west and center, party, government, military, society and schools — the Party is the leader of all.  


         As a Chinese poem goes, “When easterly breeze comes, the flowers in a riot of color will set spring aglow.” Thanks to nearly seven decades of hard work led by the Communist Party of China, our People’s Republic is growing from strength to strength and, with even greater confidence, standing tall in the East. 


         Our country is like a giant ship that carries the great dream of the 1.3 billion-plus Chinese people. We will ride on the mighty wind of the new era with a full tank, steer the right course, sail with full steam, and cleave the waves towards a brighter future for China.








27 MAR 2018